Addendum to “Why I’m Leaving the Evangelical Church.” Edit. More Thoughts. Etc.

Levi Rogers
2 min readAug 15, 2017


This will be short, but necessary. A few weeks ago I wrote an article titled: “Why I’m Leaving the Evangelical Church.” I do not disagree with anything I wrote in there. BUT, I do think it’s hard to write about a whole group of people and not devolve into “labelling” or be accused of it. I am still wrestling wth many of these issues, no answers or claim to self-righteousness here — if I ever do that, well, I hope I never do. While I believe there are a variety of issues that need to be called out, and fiercely, in the Evangelical church, I am incredibly grateful and impressed for the way The Church as a whole has really stepped up in condemning the recent events in Charlottsville and DT’s reaction, or lack of (well, besides one).We still need more. I believe there is a lot of silent complicity in our pews. However, I, as a good postmodernist, know how silly and trite and simplistic it is to put boxes and labels around people or organizations. We protestants do love to make up a bunch of different denominations, including the catch-all denominations of “non-denomination” and “Evangelical.” It does make it challenging to write about. Maybe I will become full on Catholic. Isn’t it all the same? So, once again, to reiterate, reflection and conversation is what I’m aiming for, even if I can get a bit “political” and agitated at times.

I am pretty much done with a lot of church these days, but also, maybe, just need a break. Things can be so complicated sometimes and sometimes I make them worse in my head.

Love God, Love Others. That is my church.

I changed the wording on some of the article, like the ending. Because I think there’s one thing all writing should attempt, clarity.

Anyways, thoughts. All the thoughts. But I’ll stop here for now.





Levi Rogers

Writer. Former Coffee Roaster. Current Househusband. Debut novel, Utah! A Novel, out now: